Nathan Alleman, Ph.D.
Associate Professor

Dr. Nathan F. Alleman is an Associate Professor of Higher Education. He received his doctoral degree in Educational Policy, Planning, and Leadership from The College of William and Mary in Virginia in 2008 and has been a faculty member at Baylor since 2010.
Dr. Alleman’s teaching and research foci frequently converge around his interests in marginal and marginalized populations and institutions, often from a sociological perspective. These include students (first generation, rural, low income, undocumented, religious outsiders, food insecure), faculty (non-tenure track, religious minority), and institutions (Christian higher education, community college). Additionally, Dr. Alleman engages in historical research related to the history of the YMCA student associations and a range of issues related to how Christian higher education is conceptualized and administrated.
These efforts have led to publications in a number of the field’s top journals, including the Journal of Higher Education and the Journal of College Student Development, as well as leading peer-reviewed outlets in several sub-genres, including Christian Scholar’s Review, Journal of Research on Students Placed at Risk, and Planning for Higher Education. One of his most notable projects, a qualitative case comparison study of non-tenure track faculty and their expectations and experiences of collegiality has resulted in three peer-reviewed publications, an ASHE Monograph (2017), a practitioner-oriented book with Stylus Publishers (forthcoming) and five national academic conference presentations. This project was covered in a Chronicle of Higher Education story as well. His recent writings on faith-based higher education include a forthcoming book entitled Restoring the Soul of the University: Unifying Christian Education in a Fragmented Age (with Perry Glanzer and Todd Ream), as well as a national survey of Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) faculty that brought to light implicit categories of faith tradition integration approaches at these institutions.
Ultimately, these gains find their meaning in larger ends: helping students, colleagues, and practitioners to excel academically, grow personally, and serve the Kingdom of God in the capacity to which they have been called.