Janet Gibson, Ed.D.
Clinical Assistant Professor Program Director, K-12 EdD

Dr. Janet Gibson is assistant professor and program director of the EdD in K12 Educational Leadership in the Department of Educational Leadership, which includes responsibility for the Clinical Experiences for Educational Leadership (CEEL) program within the program. In 2023, Dr. Gibson left public education with 27 years of service as a teacher, coordinator, assistant principal, principal, assistant superintendent, interim superintendent, and mentor/coach. Her last 19 years of service were spent in leadership roles in some of DFW’s largest most diverse districts.
Dr. Gibson graduated from Angelo State University with a B.S. in Interdisciplinary Special Learning and Development in 1996 and then received her master’s degree in educational leadership from Texas Christian University 2002. She received her Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from Texas A&M-Commerce in 2019.
Dr. Gibson has served as a strategic design facilitator for Engage2Learn since 2021. Through her work with Engage2Learn, she works with many districts around the nation to build unique plans for each school community with input from stakeholders and the community at large.
Her greatest interest is in coaching and mentoring others. Dr. Gibson believes that her full-time appointment to Baylor in 2023 provided her with the ultimate opportunity to engage daily in coaching and mentoring while also being able to bring her Christian faith into her work.